hypable.com |
- Harry Potter producer, David Heyman, takes on another YA novel with Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone.
- New Line Cinema has swept up the rights to Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys. David Heyman is also attached.
- It’s here ! It’s here ! TheBeautiful Creatures Teaser Trailer. Just look at that title text!
- GalleyCat has the story of thealleged attack of a literary agent by an angry writer.
- Indie author Abbi Glineslanded a deal with Simon Pulse for The Vincent Boys
- Many are surprised to learn that more than half of YA book are purchased by adults. But YA book bloggers already knew that.
- Suzanne Lazear releases the title of the next book in the Aether Chronicles series. Charmed Vengeance.
Cover Reveals
Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
Opal by Jennifer Armentrout
Infatuate by Aimme Agresti

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.