BAS is taking part in the In My Mailbox meme started by The Story Siren. Each week bloggers post books that have arrived in their mailbox, picked up from the bookstore or purchased. Here are some books I’m getting ready to read.
Today’s post is brought to me by the library. This is the first time I’ve gotten a haul from a library in years. I can pick out as many as I want without worrying about buying something I don’t like.
I’ve seen this one all over book blogs and book stores. since I’m participating in the Paranormal Reading ChallenegeI decided to give this one a try.
Gone, the sequel was all over Borders and the used book store. I figured if I like this one I will buy the others.
Heroes of Quantico : In Harms Way by Irene Hannon
I picked this one up at random because I live near Quantico and I like FBI TV shows (Bones, Criminal Minds, X-Files). I also thought I might try reading a romance novel. This is also a Christian Fiction so I’m interested in learning more about the genre.
Dark Prince by Christine Feehan
Another paranormal novel I picked up for the Paranormal Reading Challenge. I’ve heard a few good things about the book, my only issue is this book is soooo big ! If I like it I might see if I can find a paperback.

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.