Buy More Books !
I’ve never been much of a book buyer but this year I want to make more of an effort to support indie bookstores. My goal is to put in an order at a different indie once every few months.
Read Outside My Usual Genres and Categories
I’m way too plugged in to the YA and romance book world (huge lurker, lol) so, I rarely come into books “fresh”. I always know too much about the author or hype around a title. I’d like to get into genres where I know very little about the conventions or intracommunity conversations. I’m mostly looking at upmarket and literary fiction.
Publish A Romance Audiobook Guide
I have had an idea for a romance audiobook guide/toolkit for a few years and this year I’d like to finally finish it.
Read My Shelves
This is a reader resolution as old as time. I ended up reading my shelves a lot this year and it made for some of my best reading experiences. In January I’m doing #ReadWhatYouGot hosted by Brazen Babe Reviews and ShadesnPages.
Read More Series and Author Backlist
Booktuber Always Booked does this feature called Author Binges where she spends a week reading an author’s backlist and I’d like to do that with YA.
Thematic Reviews
I loved doing my firefighter romance round-up on the romance blog where I looked at how different authors approach the same profesions. I’d like to do that more on the romance side. I already have a TBR for sex worker romances.
DNF More
Ever since I started blogging I’ve been a huge “bitter ender.” This year I’m going to make an effort to DNF more if I’m losing interest in a book.
Read In A Coffee Shop
I don’t know what 2021 will bring or how lofy this goal is, but, I hope by the end of 2021 I can safely go to a local coffee shop, order a latte, find a seat and just read for an hour or so.
I’m a lifelong reader who started blogging about YA books in 2011 but now I read in just about every genre! I love YA coming of age stories, compelling memoirs and genre bending SFF. You can find me talking all things romance at Romance and Sensibility.