Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and this was a hard one since so many authors I’ve read aren’t debuts. This topic also has the option of Top Ten Sophomore Novels That I Loved Just As Much If Not More As The Author’s Debut, so I’ll do that one too.
Debut Authors Who Have Me Looking Forward To Their Sophomore Novel
1. Kate Scelsa
I just reviewed Fans of The Impossible Life and I liked the storytelling so I’m excited to see what she will come up with next.
2. Erin Morgenstern
The Night Circus came out with a bang and I still see it being highly recced for all kinds of readers. It’s been 4 years since her debut and I’m still waiting for her next book.
3. Veronica Roth
A few months ago she announced she’s working on a new duology so I’m curious what she will come up with
4. Laini Taylor
I realize Daughter of Smoke and Bone isn’t Taylor’s first book but, it’s her first major YA series and I can’t wait to see what she writes as a follow up.
5. Marissa Meyer
Meyer has worked so hard to create the characters and world of the Lunar chronicles and I’m anxious to see how much of a role (if any) it plays in her next book, Heartless. Also, yes I’ve been scrolling through her Pinterest board for it.
6. Helene Wecker
The Golem and The Jinni has charmed thousands of people and Helene seemed ready to write a new book, so I’ll just be here waiting for her next take on history and magic.
7. Kristen Paige-MadoniaI liked her first YA book, Fingerprints of You, and I’m curious about her new book Invisible Fault Lines.
Sophomore Novels That I Loved Just As Much If Not More As The Author’s Debut
8. The Young Elites
I know these are fighting words, but I…kind of find Marie Lu’s follow up series much more complex and interesting than her debut Legend series
9. The Realm of Possibility
This was actually the first David Levithan novel I read, and while I like his debut Boy Meets Boy this book’s experimental narrative made it such a unique read and more memorable read.
10. Frigid by J Lynn
More fighting words. I did not particularly like a lot of Jennifer Armentrout’s YA books, but I like her NA standalone, Frigid. I think her tropes work better in NA than YA.
I’m a lifelong reader who started blogging about YA books in 2011 but now I read in just about every genre! I love YA coming of age stories, compelling memoirs and genre bending SFF. You can find me talking all things romance at Romance and Sensibility.