We laid out the basics onhow we request ARCs,now here are examples of the successful e-mails we’ve sent to publicist/the publicity department of the publisher. Most of these have been “cold call” e-mails.
My First Request Letter
This is the very first ARC request I did after 5 months of blogging and I sent it to the author. Newbie mistake. The author was really gracious about it and sent it to the publicist. Authors don’t control ARC distribution, so send it to a publicist/publicity department. Here we go
I came across your site via Twitter and found myself interested in Book Title. My co-blogger and I have a rising book blog, Books and Sensibility, and wanted to know if there are any ARCs of Book Title available. Book Title is the kind of book that we want to promote our readers. We are both new to the urban fantasy genre and want to explore every facet of it we can.
I like to start with a quick intro. Tell them who you are and what you want. I let them know off the bat the blog is “rising”. I’m not sure I would use use the word “promote” now.
We update with relevant information on books, authors and other reader information. A review with Books and Sensibility will do more than gloss over the books, a comprehensive review examining all facets of the novel, with a little bit of humor thrown in.
Now, I wouldn’t put this information nowadays. I mean most publicist know what a book blog is and this adds to the length of the e-mail. Publicist are busy and might not have time for to much scrolling.
If you have any questions (or if there is someone else I should contact) please feel free to contact me !
I like this line because it leaves an open door in case the e-mail went to the wrong person, like this e-mail did. I also like to think that if it gets forwarded, people are more likely to give more attention to an e-mail forwarded from a co-worker than an unsolicited e-mail.
Current ARC Request Letter
I don’t use my ARC request letter as a template but more of a rough draft. I edit and customize them depending on what I’m requesting. Here is a current one I used to request two 2014 ARCs. They weren’t on Netgalley. We were fans of the authors and reviewed the other book in the series. We found the publicity contact on Twitter and sent out this “cold call”
I like to keep it casual and on a first name basis.
My name is Jess , I’m a blogger at Books and Sensibility and would like to request a review copy of Book Title by Book Author for promotion and review.
Who you are, what you want, and why. I also include the link so they can click over and visit
At Books and Sensibility we’ve followed Author’s career and have covered her extensively at events in the DC/NY area and would be very excited to review her latest !
A little personal info to show your enthusiasm and why you want to review this book. I then put in a broiler plate (###) with additional information about Books and Sensibility:
At Book and Sensibility we create content for bookish types. Each week we publish book reviews, editorials and special features on YA literature. We strive to bring new and diverse ideas to the young adult reading experience.
Quick Facts:
· Over 150 Book reviews
· 50 original editorial posts
· Over 800 Twitter and RSS followers
· 200+ followers on Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram
· 1,000 unique monthly visits
· Featured on Wastepaper Prose, Mission To Read and Alexa Loves Books
· Active on YouTube, Twitter, Goodreads and More
About Us
Book and Sensibility was created by two sisters with a lifelong connection through books. Started in 2011 during that awkward post-grad stage, Books and Sensibility is a way to talk about reading YA as an adult and learning to explore the intersection of YA and Adult fiction. From reviews to features we consider ourselves an open book.
Do you have a request e-mail you like to use ? Any ideas to help make ours stand out ? Let me know in the comment section.

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.