Inspired by I Want To Read Thatand Not Enough Bookshelves as well as my own love of pretty book covers, Books and Sensibility presents Cover Wars.
The UK version is whimsical and has a lot of fun fonts and pastels. The U.S cover reminds me of independent film posters likeJuno, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist , which will instantly make me picture the main male character a Micheal Cera.
Winner : U.S
Somone in the U.K dun goofed with this cover. The man on the front cover doesn’t look “tall, dark and . . . dead”, he looks like Frankenstien’s monster. The orange and red are clashing, it almost hurts my eyes. The U.S cover is mysterious and I like the coloring on it. Like Kat, I’m not a big fan of people on the front of books but I actually like this one.
Does the cover model look anything like the character?
Winner : U.S
Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordran
The U.K cover is more stylized and has more moving pieces than the U.S. While I like the realism in the U.S cover art but it reminds me of the U.S Harry Potter covers, which doesn’t come across to me as original.
Winner : UK
This my verdict, what do you think?

1/2 of the blogging duo at Books and Sensibility, I have been blogging about and reviewing books since 2011. I read any and every genre, here on the blog I mostly review Fantasy, Adult Fiction, and Young Adult with a focus on audiobooks.